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Hassle-Free Knotweed Removal and Management









There is a lot of information on the internet about Japanese Knotweed which can be alarming and unnecessarily worrying. A call to Tree Fella will put you touch with one of our qualified Japanese Knotweed experts who can provide accurate information, bespoke advice and quickly dispel some of the myths that surround this sometimes misunderstood problem.


  • At Tree Fella we take a practical, no-nonsense approach and discuss the issues with transparency. Here are some important, quick pieces of information to keep in mind:


  • Japanese Knotweed being present on your property is a problem that requires action and should not be ignored.


  • Japanese Knotweed can cause damage to underground services and hard landscaping, however, your house is extraordinarily unlikely to fall down as a result.


  • It is a manageable species and although it is difficult to eradicate, it is by no means indestructible.


With our common sense approach, a suitable and cost-effective management plan can be agreed and put into action. This relieves the stress and worry for you and drastically reduces the concerns of third parties, such as mortgage lenders and estate agents.


We adhere to all Environment Agency guidelines in the treating, handling, transporting and disposal of Japanese Knotweed and have many years’ experience of eradicating it from varied locations and properties.


The Facts about Japanese Knotweed


  • It is an invasive species which grows quickly and can be highly resilient


  • Spreads easily from the base of stems and rhizomes


  • If you have it on your property you have a legal responsibility to prevent it from spreading into neighbouring land


  • Mortgage Lenders are reluctant, or more and more these days, refuse to release funds until a management plan is in place and, as a minimum, an initial stage of works has been completed


  • It is classified as a controlled substance by the Environment Agency


  • It can cause environmental damageIt can cause structural damage to paths, drains, concrete, tarmac and other hard surfaces


How We Can Help


  • Advice from Knowledgeable, qualified Japanese Knotweed surveyors


  • Successful and cost-effective management plans


  • Pre land/ property purchase and mortgage reports and surveys


  • Simple, practical control measures implemented


  • Monitoring and maintenance post works on all project


  • Options available for treatment;


  1. Herbicide foliar sprays and stem injection

  2. Excavation & removal

  3. Rhizome barrier installation



Contact us for a free quotation and advice


Our experienced consultants will be very pleased to visit your site, inspect and identify the Japanese Knotweed and discuss with you the many options we can offer before proposing a management plan.


Our emphasis is always on impartial advice, transparency and building a plan with you, rather than for you. Our recommendations will always take your specific requirements and concerns into account.

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