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FAQ’s - Car Park Floor Advertising


Do people see the adverts?

This is a new form of advertising which is eye catching and unexpected. Research shows that the industry average for reading an outdoor advertisement is six seconds. One in three people have made a purchase because of outdoor advertising. See real reactions in our reguarly updated gallery on the previous page. 


Isn’t it dangerous for people looking at them in a busy car park?

The adverts are treated the same way as any other outdoor advertising medium like billboards. We have found people are still very aware of their surroundings when walking through a car park and do this safely. We have not had one case of dangerous activity within our locations. Get noticed, but don’t make your advert a huge distraction.


How long do they stay down for?

The adverts have been designed to last 3 months, however we change them on a monthly cycle to ensure they always look at their best.


How much does it cost to advertise?

The price is dependent on quantity and location. Please see our pricing tab on the previous page.


Do they have to be installed by Chez Vision Marketing?

Yes, all of our car park floor adverts are installed by Chez Vision Marketing's specially trained technicians.


Can I use them in other locations not being used by Chez Vision Marketing?

Permission is required from the car park owner before installation can be arranged.


What sort of return should I expect?

We can consult with you to make sure your campaign has the best return possible. With all marketing the larger the budget the higher volume of on-lookers will see your advert. The call to action needs to be clear and concise to expect results as you only have seconds to gain their attention.


Why should I advertise?

Advertising is a crucial function in any company today, among the reasons why you should advertise are; to reach new customers, to make more sales, create awareness. Car park floor advertising affects consumers right up to the point of purchase. Research shows two thirds of people who have seen an outdoor advertisement have searched the web as a direct result of seeing an ad and are more likely to provoke positive feelings; more likely to recommend the brand, more familiar with the brand which builds confidence to buy.


How big are the adverts?

Our standard car park floor advertisements are typically 1m x .70m size.


Can I have a bespoke size made?

We can make bespoke size and shape adverts according to your requirements.  However, please note various shapes and sizes are not an option for all of our current available locations and you would need to discuss the finer requirements with our team.


How are they removed?

They are removed by Chez Vision Marketing's specially trained technicians.


Will it damage the floor?

The adverts cause no lasting damage to the floor/substrate. There will be a slight colour difference from UV rays bleaching the surrounding areas. This will eventually blend.


Is there quantity discounts available?

We offer discount on volumes. Please talk with our team or visit our pricing rate card page.


What is the best call to action to use on this type of advertising?

We often employ a variety of call to actions. Including a dedicated phone line (DDI) to track at network level the volume of response and times. This gives the benefit of being able to record calls and manage/track the process with the further knowledge of the entire sales process. Some of our clients prefer to use a discount code that can be tracked internally via in-house CRM. Alternatively at Chez Vision Marketing we specialise in producing QR codes that can point to a variety of digital destinations that comes with tracking. On recent projects we have made seperate codes per location to gain best site knowledge.  


We are also in the BETA development stages of our own smart device APP. This should be launch by 2015 with much more tracking options available, including consumer interaction services. We are also exploring the opportunity of using 3D augmented reality.


Can you design the artwork for me?

We offer a full design service and can help with the full approach and concept.


What artwork do you need and how can I send it?

We would need you to supply your artwork at 1m x .70m with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. You can send you artwork to us via email or for bulk uploads please contact our team direct for in-house solutions.


Can I have a QR code designed for my advert?

We offer branded QR codes which are ideal to use on your adverts. If you purchase our design service for your advert a QR code is typically provided within the price.


Can I choose multiple locations and or multiple adverts?

For the best results to your campaign, we recommend multiple adverts and locations. The only time this would not be applicable is during campaigns that have been agreed with industry exclusivity.


What is the minimum order quantity?

The minimum quantity is one advert.


What is the minimum advertising term?

One advert, for one month.


If I recommend a friend can I receive a discount off of my order?

We offer a referral scheme; please contact your account manager to discuss this.


How do I pay?

Please contact our sales team to arrange your advertising. An invoice will be sent to you to arrange a bank transfer. All advertising is paid in advance prior to advert installation.


Which towns can I advertise in?

We have new locations becoming available daily. Please contact our sales team to discuss the areas of interest and we can advise if these areas are available.


How quickly can I advertise?

As soon as we receive your order and artwork we can arrange the advertising month. We typically like to begin the advertising month from the start of each month. However, for short notice or sporadic campaigns we may be able to assist your requirements.


Do you charge extra for prime locations?

We offer a variety premium locations and this would need to be discussed in further details with your account manager.


What happens to the adverts when they are removed?

The adverts are disposed of.


Can I change my artwork through the life of the advertising term?

Your artwork can be changed each month if required. The only additional cost would be design, if required.


I have a car park which I think would be ideal for advertising, can I use this type of system at my location?

We are always looking for new locations to offer to our customers, and in-turn you would generate additional revenue. Please contact our team on 01702 462691. We will supply you with our car park own media pack.


I work for an advertising agency, are there discounts available?

We offer a special service for advertising and media agencies.


What happens if there is rubbish or dirt on my advert?

We replace the adverts each month to eliminate dirt and rubbish. We also endeavour to clean the adverts as often as possible.


Can the price be reduced?

Quantity discounts are available.


What happens if there is damage or vandalism?

We monitor the car park regularly and would replace any damaged adverts when possible out of goodwill. This is covered further in our terms and conditions and fortunately this has not been an issue for us to date.


Are the areas lit up?

The majority of our locations are lit as they are busy 24 hour car parks. You can view all the car parks via google earth on our locations page.


Can I have exclusivity of a whole car park?

We can offer this service. Please contact our sales team to discuss. One whole car park with hundreds of adverts spread is cheaper than most forms of billboard advertising monthly.


Will I have a dedicated account manager; can I meet with a consultant?

Yes, a dedicated account manager will manage your account on a day to day basis, keeping you informed of any relevant results, statistics and other opportunities.


Do I have to sign a contract?

If you are advertising month to month no contract is required. However, If advertising over a long periods of time our contract agreement will be issued prior to installations. Should you wish to peruse this contract, please contact our team.


How do I know I’m not next to a competitor?

We endeavour to keep one type of industry within a close proximity. We avoid conflicts of interest as we only want the best possible results for our clients.

Car Park Floor Advertising FAQ's
Car Park Floor Advertising FAQ's
Car Park Floor Advertising FAQ's
Car Park Floor Advertising FAQ's
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