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Meet the team.



Managing Director

Superhero Name: The Bossy Mossy 


Tel: 0843 289 6143


  • What was your favourite food when you were a child? 

  • Marmite and still is 

  • What’s the #1 most played song on your ipod?

  • John Legend Ordinary People

  • What is your favourite quote?

  • Life is like a box of chocolates- Forrest Gump

  • What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

  • Washing Up

  • If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?

  • Richard Branson

  • If you could witness any event, past or present what would it be?

  • Landing on the Moon

  • What Superpower would you want?

  • Space and Time Travel - Like Hiro Nakamura 

  • Which celebrity do you get mistaken for?

  • I used to get called Davina McColl alot and also Uma Thurman when i had blonde hair

  • Where’s Wally?

  • Who cares!!





Sales & Marketing Director

Superhero Name: Six Moves Singer


Tel: 0843 289 6143


  • What was your favourite food when you were a child?

  • Smarties 

  • What’s the #1 most played song on your ipod?

  • I dont have an ipod, love drum n bass but... cant beat a bit of Lionel

  • What is your favourite quote?

  • Success belongs to those who dare to dream by Jeremy Singer 2004

  • What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

  • Any type of cleaning

  • If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?

  • Alan Sugar

  • If you could witness any event, past or present would it be? 

  • Jimmy Hendrix at Woodstock

  • What Superpower would you want?

  • Invisibility

  • Which celebrity do you get mistaken for?

  •  I was once mistaken for Prince Harry in the early 90's

  • Where’s Wally?

  • I dont know!!




Product Development Manager

Superhero Name: The Oracle


Tel: 0843 289 6143


  • What was your favourite food when you were a child?

  • Peanut Butter

  • What’s the #1 most played song on your ipod?

  • AC DC Back in Black 

  • What is your favourite quote?

  • Bird in the Hand! or I would rather poke my eye out with a plastic spoon!

  • What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

  • Income Tax Return

  • If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?

  • Philip Green 

  • If you could witness any event, past or present would it be? 

  • My Birth... the immaculate conception!

  • What Superpower would you want?

  • The Power to Listen

  • Which celebrity do you get mistaken for?

  • Kylie Minogue

  • Where’s Wally?

  • Hopefully still trapped between two book covers



PR Manager

Superhero Name: The Cheerleader


Tel: 0843 289 6143


  • What was your favourite food when you were a child? 

  • I used to live in Liberia and I loved to dig for termites and eat them!

  • What’s the #1 most played song on your ipod?

  • All the Little Lights by Passenger

  • What is your favourite quote?

  • 'If you're your authentic self, you have no competition' Scott Stratten

  • What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

  • Car washing

  • If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?

  • Idris Elba - because he's just so cool

  • If you could witness any event, past or present what would it be?

  • The end of World War 2

  • What Superpower would you want? 

  • Time travel - I'd return to the moment I broke my spine... And not do it!

  • Which celebrity do you get mistaken for?

  • Drew Barrymore!!

  • Where’s Wally?

  • Wandering in Wimbledon...





Creative Team

Superhero Name: Hancock, AKA Will Smith Lookalike


Tel: 0843 289 6143


  • What was your favourite food when you were a child?

  • Chicken Dippers

  • What’s the #1 most played song on your ipod?

  • Frank Ocean - Lost

  • What is your favourite quote? -

  • It’s Better to Fail at What You Love Than Fail at What You Don’t – Jim Carrey

  • What chore do you absolutely hate doing? 

  • The Dishwasher 

  • If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor? 

  • Barack Obama

  • If you could witness any event, past or present what would it be? 

  • The Day Michael Jackson performed Billie Jean at Motown 25

  • What Superpower would you want? 

  • To Teleport

  • Which celebrity do you get mistaken for? 

  • Will Smith

  • Where’s Wally? 

  • In My Back Pocket



Video Production Manager

Superhero Name: The Creator


Tel: 0843 289 6143


  • What was your favourite food when you were a child? 

  • Any form of Cereal – As long as there’s no Fruit in it

  • What’s the #1 most played song on your ipod? )

  • Ermm Android please and it’s a 2hr long Dub-Step mix

  • What is your favourite quote? 

  • “Obligation before Recreation” - Unknown

  • What chore do you absolutely hate doing? 

  • None, Nothing’s a chore with Dub-Step playing :)

  • If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?

  • Albert Einstein

  • If you could witness any event, past or present  what would it be? 

  • The birth of Artificial Intelligence

  • What Superpower would you want? )

  • Dr. Manhattan, From Watchmen

  • Which celebrity do you get mistaken for? 

  • Dom Joly

  • Where’s Wally? 

  • He’s in the spotlight losing his religion – Have I said too much?




Senior Copywriter and Creative Consultant

Superhero Name: The Joker A.K.A Hairy Potter


Tel: 0843 289 6143


  • What was your favourite food when you were a child? 

  • Spaghetti bolognaise

  • What’s the #1 most played song on your ipod? )

  • I don’t own an ipod but my favourite song of all time is Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd

  • What is your favourite quote? 

  • "I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass...and I'm all out of bubble gum."

  • What chore do you absolutely hate doing? 

  • Any kind of clear out. I am a hoarder by nature and it pains me to throw stuff away.

  • If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?

  • Batman

  • If you could witness any event, past or present  what would it be? 

  • I had a really good sandwich in 2006, I would quite like to go back and eat that again.

  • What Superpower would you want? )

  • I'd like to be a Green Lantern, they can construct anything from pure will. Pretty awesome really.

  • Which celebrity do you get mistaken for? 

  • Bubbles the Monkey

  • Where’s Wally? 

  • In a hole in my basement….it puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again!





Business Development Manager

Superhero Name: The Rock!


Tel: 0843 289 6143


  • What was your favourite food when you were a child? 

  • Potato waffles and spaghetti hoops….and child? This is still my favourite along with the king of foods that Lasagne.

  • What’s the #1 most played song on your ipod? )

  • What’s new pussycat by Tom Jones

  • What is your favourite quote? 

  • To be part of the scene you need to be seen..

  • What chore do you absolutely hate doing? 

  • All of them

  • If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?

  • Stephen Fry = legend

  • If you could witness any event, past or present  what would it be? 

  • The big bang..just to see what all the hype is about

  • What Superpower would you want? )

  • None I already have them all….and x-ray vision is fun.

  • Which celebrity do you get mistaken for? 

  • Brad Pitt… so awkward when out with the girlfriend, I mean just leave me alone god damn it

  • Where’s Wally? 

  • In with all the other Gerkins in my jar home



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