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Chez Vision Social Media Facts Slideshow

Over 90% of businesses use social media in one form or another with wide ranging levels of success. For most, committing the necessary time and resources to an ever-evolving social media strategy is impractical and simply unachievable. Just when you’re starting to catch on, new fads are being introduced to the market with conflicting information and complex algorithms. It’s a minefield!


We believe the social media revolution is here to stay and we’re embracing it, every step of the way. We’ve developed our own network encompassing thousands of highly interactive businesses who share information across an impressive array of industries, including beauty, printing, marketing, cleaning, fitness, dining, clothing, bridal, entertainment and more. At Chez Vision we’re proud to feature the only team in the industry specialising in live lead generation, connecting you directly and instantly with ideal business opportunities. The majority of our social media clients are reaching between 7,000 and 100,000 people per week through Twitter alone.


Chez Vision Social Media Services
Social Media FAQ's Chez Vision Marketing Ltd

We’ve taken the bold decision to focus currently on the main platforms which we believe reach the widest target audience and deliver the most effective results – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. Using these established leaders of the industry we develop bespoke packages to suit your brief. We compliment existing advertising campaigns and traditional marketing methods in order to capitalise on brand interest.


We take the time to understand your industry and the environment within which your clients and prospects communicate, ultimately engaging with top influencers at optimal times. Our fully managed service encompasses every element from branding and design through to content creation and 24/7 scheduled distribution. From building relationships and contributing to relevant discussions to running surveys, competitions and paid promotions targeting specific groups, we ensure that two-way communication remains consistently compelling.

Get Live leads For Your Business
Social Media Packages
Social Media Stats & facts

Our aim at Chez Vision is to deliver high-impact campaigns targeted at the right audience, producing measurable results. By producing clear, easy to understand social media analytics we keep you informed of progress and amend strategies accordingly. We provide monthly reports and regular feedback on reviews undertaken, ensuring a fully transparent approach. Our uniquely tailored client interaction pages give you the flexibility to monitor the development and progress of your campaign, allowing you to choose your own level of control.


Whilst we are unable to guarantee results, our track record speaks for itself. We never take our eye off the ball and we keep the ultimate goal in mind - to deliver a tangible return on investment. We’ll work with you to carefully control budgets, highlighting cost-effective opportunities and making significant savings on resources such as in-house employees and related expenditure.


Your social media strategy is our business. Give us a call to find out how a leading marketing agency can make an extraordinary difference to your campaign.

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