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Social Media FAQ’s


Do I have to give you my password?

Twitter & Instagram we would require a password if using one of our fully managed services with direct lead generation.


Do I still have access to my page?

Yes, you can always maintain full control of your accounts.


How often do I receive reporting?

Typically reporting is produced monthly; however we can produce reports at any stage. Please note this may occur additional fees.


Can you start my page from scratch?

Yes, we can start from the beginning, managing the full design and content process.


Can my staff interact within process?

Yes, We build staff interaction pages specifically designed for us to communicate at ease with any in-house team members who wish to participate.


Do I need to provide Chez Vision Marketing with artwork?

This is dependant on the package you have chosen. We can work with you to produce bespoke designed marketing campaigns.


How often are promotions run?

This would need to be discussed at the inception of your account and is ultimately down to you. We recommend promotions that can often involve your existing services without affecting your social media budget.


Do you offer paid targeted promotions?

We manage paid promotions on some platforms and this is a service that can be integrated or standalone from our packages.


What sort of ROI?

The return is very much industry and budget dependant. If you are in a saturated industry it is increasingly more difficult to gain a return. With the right budgets we can target specific data bases creating a fantastic return from your target market.


How many people/ reach weekly?

This is dependent on whether we promote organically or with paid targeted. Many of accounts reach between 5k-100k accounts per week with a blended solution.


What happens if reported as spam?

We are always monitoring the social media guideline provided and work very hard to comply with these rules. If you are in an oversaturated industry we will discuss carefully with you the potential outcomes of any work.


Target users by keywords/phrases?

Using industry specific keywords and phrases we can target users’ worldwide. We can search as low as a 5 mile radius of any specific postcode.


Are my accounts managed 24/7?

All accounts are monitored and checked typically over 10 times periodically over a 24 hour period regardless of the package chosen.


Do you offer app development?

We do offer Facebook application development. We can build full websites within the tabs including full E-commerce if required. We can also build other applications for additional requirements such a competition pages, promotional downloads and more.


Why do I need it managed?

Over 90% of businesses use social media in one form or another with wide ranging levels of success. For most, committing the necessary time and resources to an ever-evolving social media strategy is impractical and simply unachievable. Just when you’re starting to catch on, new fads are being introduced to the market with conflicting information and complex algorithms. We can take the stress away for you and ensure you are doing things the right way.


What platforms do you use?

We currently offer management across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.


How effective is social media for businesses?

It’s not a question of whether we do social media, it’s about how well we do it. Recent research shows there is a definite return for businesses using Social Media correctly and this includes Chez Vision Marketing.


I don’t know where to start?

Call our team on 01702462691 or email


What is the best time to post on social media?

There is a variety of conflicting information out there. We tend to base our posting times according to the industry and related product. For example, we wouldn’t promote a nightclub event first thing in the morning.


How much does it cost?

We have a variety of packages that start from £99 per month. If you are not sure what you need, contact our team to discuss your budget. We often create bespoke packages to suit individual needs.


Is there package prices?

We have packages to suit the novice user all the way up to packages to suit the super power corporate users. Please see all packages on the previous page.


Does my business need help?

If you would like to see if you need help, we offer a free review service of your existing accounts. If you are doing it well, we will tell you.


What services do you offer?

We offer a huge variety of social media services including, content, design, photography, competitions, questionnaire’s, paid promotions, tab applications, live lead generation, customer interaction, video production and much more.


How can I get in touch?

Call our team on 01702462691 or email


What do you need from me to start?

The best thing is to start by having a conversation with our team to get the best picture of whats needed at inception.


Is there a contract period?

Typically we offer a monthly rolling service. There are discounts available for committing to longer term agreements.

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