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Consultancy, Care Management and Partnerships


We have developed a range of unique and modern partnerships with various organisations that keep individuals at the heart of services, maximise resources and create immediate added value.



Our consultancy service brings our Senior Team Experience to other organisations. Being responsible for care and support services can be a burden but our experience can be helpful when plans are being made and decisions have to be taken. We can assist with registered and unregistered services.

Management services

Our management services can be fully outsourced, or delivered in house with our supportive supervision. They can range from a full operational contract to specialist management support for in-house services, specific advice and guidance or simply doing the finances.


For example we have worked with Religious Orders to explore the creation of new regionally based dementia care services and to support frail older Sisters in their communities. With other contacts we are working on care management planning and training including CQC requirements.


Investment from the Government's Third Sector development agency, the Social Investment Business has allowed us to acquire and develop houses to support people with disabilities in Essex and Surrey.


The Poor Servants of the Mother of God are leasing unused properties to Field Lane so that families who are homeless or under stress can be accommodated and supported.

Partnerships combined within the industry

For one single project, Field Lane can work with local authorities, social services, housing associations and private and voluntary organisations to combine the right resources and expertise for a maximum added value for service users and the community.

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Registered Charity No. 207493

Registered Housing Association No. LH3047

Company Limited By Guarantee No. 98226

Website Design By Chez Vision
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