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Twitter Price List 


£75.00 per month 

  • Standard Tweets (12 hour SLA)

  • Minimum 10 tweets a day / text tweets only 

  • Limited access to our network

  • Standard Tweets (6 hour SLA)

  • Minimum 12 tweets a day / image design and text tweets mixed.

  • Full access to our network - including relationship building.

Standard Plus

£150.00 per month 

  • Standard Tweets (15 mins SLA)

  • Minimum 15+ tweets a day / image design and text tweets mixed.

  • Full access to network - including advance relationship building.


£500.00 per month 

Live Lead Generation

£35.00 per hour

  • Adhoc 24 hours notice is required


£20.00 per hour

  • minimum 20 hours 14 days notice is required  

  • 5 Accounts

Bespoke Network Building

£500.00 per month 

Prices quoted are in £ pound sterling and are exclusive of VAT

Social Media Packages By Chez Vision
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